Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Oscar Party

On March 9th I threw my second annual small Oscar party at the Rossi house. This year Dan and I were joined by Amy and Donnie. We started the evening at The Counter in Ballard...the best new "build your own burger" joint in town. During dinner we each filled out our Oscar Ballots. Before the Oscars started I revealed the prizes: Season 1 and 2 of the Cosby Show, The Proposal movie, Lady Antebellum CD, and 6 months subscription to Entertainment weekly Magazine. Each person won a prize with the first place winner picking first followed by the 2nd and so on. During the Oscars we also played Oscar Bingo for a few small movie prizes. We had a great time. I was the BIG winner of the evening and picked The Proposal...Dan won the Cosby show...Amy won Lady Antebellum and Donnie took home the magazine. Can't wait for next years party.

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