Family photo with the Birthday Boy
Front Door Welcome
Grab your poker visor on your way in (They're all different with fun photos of Dan)
Follow the cards to the party
Dan and Mandy's visors
party decorations with fun pics of Dan
The table is ready
A nacho bar in honor of Dan's favorite munchie
Poker themed cupcakes with sprinkles of clubs, spades, diamonds, & hearts
The Spacciante Clan
Tony, Eric, and Dan (part of the MBA crew)
Our next door neighbors the Mitchell's (Trent, Rachelle, and Kylee)
More neighbors (Emily, Brian and Ashley)
Amy and Adam
Eric and Jodi Salenski (Dan's MBA teammate)
loading up at the Nacho bar
Dan and Steve
Enjoying a plate of nachos before the big event
Dan and Donnie
Notice the cupcakes with the pink icing on top (Special request from Dan)
The candles are blown let the poker begin!!
Table One
Table Two
Dustin and Dania (neighbors)
The Salenski's teach Carrie and I to play Euchre
The two tables join as it's down to the final 7
The Birthday boy is out
The final two go head to head
Ryan Bergsman takes home the big bucks
A new round begins
1 comment:
Love the pictures! Do you still have nacho fixings left over? Dan tried to pawn about 5 pounds of cheese off on us last week :)
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