Dan and I had a fun filled Valentines weekend that seemed to have a bit of an African theme without having planned it to be. We started on the 13th with an evening planned by Dan that started with dinner at the Purple Cafe followed by the Lion King at the Paramount. The show was amazing. The next morning we had brunch with mom and Amy and exchanged Valentine's Day gifts over coffee afterwards. One of the gifts we gave Amy was an African Safari planner as we tried to inspire her to plan her dream vacation. The rest of the afternoon we headed back to our house where Dan and I opened gifts. That evening it was my turn to plan for a new restaurant, so I picked the Moroccan restaurant Marrakesh. Dan was so thrilled and surprised by my pick. He had tried to guess all week and I only agreed to give him one hint...I washed his hands for him...since we would be eating with our hands. He never guessed though and all he could think of was eating pizza. A great end to the weekend came on Sunday when I had brunch with my dear friend Jill who was in town from Rhode Island. jill and I worked together in D.C. and I love seeing her.

Dinner at Purple Cafe
The Amazing Lion King
Exchanging Valentines with Mom and Amy
Watch Out Africa...here she comes!
My Valentine
Rufus working on his Valentine
I gave Dan a Sounders scarf to wear to the Inaugural game coming in March
Along with US Magazine I got a Fray CD and a Norman Rockwell Puzzle (I don't know why, but it has been one of my goals this year to finish a hard puzzle)
4 Course dinner at Marrakesh. It was so good!!
One of the courses. Phyllo dough filled with ground chicken and almonds topped with cinnamon and sugar. It was so good. We both really enjoyed the food.
Main course
Belly Dancer at Marakesh
Brunch on Sunday at Portage Bay Cafe with Jill
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